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Therapy 5 fem

     Manufactured by: CBD Crew

€ 50,00
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Amazing stuff - we are realy happy to have this masterpiece of medical cannabisseed now for sale at our shop. Therapy is one of the best medical hempstrain ever created - the CBD Crew worked over four years on this great strain which is easy to grow smelling like a mix of fruits and truffle. Therapy has so much cbd, maybe the most cbd ever seen in a cannabisseeds. This one is recommended for people who are sufferin on epilepsy or on the Dravet Syndrome for example. CBD Therapy is a masterpiece of scientific breeding that allows patients to take back control of their lives, supplement a patient's need for cannabinoids and generally improve the welfare and quality of life for those seeking to use it. 

CBD Crew - Scott Blakey (Shantibaba) and his Team

The CBD Crew is a Joint-Venture of the Resin Seedbank and the Mr. Nice Seedbank - the goal of this team is to provide strains with a lot of CBD for people who are suffering on illnesses like anorexia, nausea, pain, asthma, spastisity or stress. The heads of the CBD Crew are two realy nice and highly respected breeder who are well known in the world of cannabis. On one side the famous Scott Blakey (better known as Shantibaba, creator of famous strains like Black Widow, Shit, La Nina or Super Silver Haze) and on the other side Jaime (headmaster of Resin Seeds and well known for creating the high respected strains Cannatonic and LA Ultra). They have a lot of experience in producing high quality hempseeds and you can be sure to get the best quality on cbd-strains available on the market. The spokesperson of the Crew is Mister Howard Marks (better known as Mister Nice) who is a longtime freedom fighter for the legalization of cannabis, author of the famous book about his live, the autobiography called "Mr. Nice".

  • Model: CBD11FEM5
  •      Manufactured by: CBD Crew

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€ 60,00
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CBD Crew

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