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Nomad 6 reg

     Manufactured by: Jinxproof Farm

€ 60,00
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Nomad cannabisseeds by JinxProof provide great medical plants that smell like sweet grapes – it is an easy strain that was created by crossing an unknown japanese Indica with a Purple Haze. The unique mother plant in this delightful blend is very much a nomad herself as she migrated from Japan to the United States where she is a highly respected one. Although the true lineage of the japanese Indica is unknown many say that it is a very special phenotype of the great Purple Urkle. Nomad is a plant for the beginner as well, very easy to grow and also recommened for medical use, it helps if you have chronic pain, muscle spasms or tremors.

Jinxproof is the one who was recognized worldwide for being the creator of the incredible and famous 9LB Hammer, one of the most powerful Indicas that can be found. Jinxproofs's farming know how is very good, over 30 years of breeding is for sure a long time and you can be sure to get a very good quality of seeds. It is a breeder company that is a family run business that also gives money to the local cannabis community. Jinxproof donates a portion of the monthly sales to NW Familie for Autism which is a very important state charity of Washington.

  • Model: JNX08_REG6
  •      Manufactured by: Jinxproof Farm

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Jinxproof Farm

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