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Hammerhead female

     Manufactured by: Phat Panda

€ 45,00
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Hammerhead is an explosive mostly Indica that smells great like a mix of spicy woods, pines with just the perfect touch of fruity honey. It is a cross of the strains White Rhino and Medicine Man, this blend is very easy to grow in your indoorgarden or in a greenhouse. Hammerhead likes fertilizers but performs also very good without much of it, if you are a novice who searches for a realiable strong flavoured Indica, Hammerhead should be on your menu.

Phat Panda is a superb producer of cannabis seeds providing incredible good strains of best quality. All different strains are highquality and before they reach the catalogue they are tested massively that only the best of the best reach the customer. This american breeder is located in a 100.000 squarefoot industrial building in Spokane in the state of Washington where most of the products are created. Phat Panda offers just highquality strains like Hammerhead or the famous Wifi aka The White Fire...

  • Model: PHP01
  •      Manufactured by: Phat Panda

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UK Riot fem
€ 160,00
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Phat Panda

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