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Full Energy

     Manufactured by: Tropical Seed Company

€ 28,00
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Full Energy is a cross of OT Haze and Afghan, a mostly Sativa smelling incredible intensive delicious like a mix of acid citrics with oranges. A nice strain for indoors and for greenhouses, also the beginner has no problem in planting theese nice cannabisseeds. Full Energy is very easy to grow, you just need little bit of patience and not much knowledge to grow this beautiful Sativa.

Tropical Seed Company - cannabisseeds

Cannabisseeds created and produced by the Tropical Seed Company are offering a superb quality. Most of the genetics are produced at 28ºN latitude in a subtropical climate which allows to reduce the flowery time in just one year of work. Because of this subtropical climate Tropical Seeds changed many long sativas to fast and easy to grow genetics. Thanks to this climatic possibility which allows to reproduce three tropical sativa generations in just one year of outdoor work. The Tropical Seed Company offers outstanding genetic which is based on landrasses, many seeds they sell are 100% landraces and most of their hybrids are created by crossing theese landraces. We are realy happy to have this breeder in our selection of cannabisseeds cause this is absolutely great stuff can be grown by experts and beginners as well.

  • Model: TROP15
  •      Manufactured by: Tropical Seed Company

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Tropical Seed Company

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