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Chem Valley Cooks

     Manufactured by: True Canna Genetics

€ 66,00
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This very nice strain is a a combination of three elitestrains: it is a mix of Forum Cookies, San Fernando Valley OG und ChemD BX. ChemValley Cooks is easy to grow and recommended for indoors, if you have a greenhouse you can expect the best results - the plants smell incredible good like a mix of menthol with pine SFV OG Kush & rotten, fuel ChemD undertones. Chem Valley Cooks is a strain for the real cannabisseur, it is something for those grower who are searching for best quality possible.

True Canna Genetics - top weed seeds

This UK-breeder is one of the finest producer of regular and feminized cannabisseeds in the world - having done much for different companies like Head Seeds, Reservoir Dog Seeds and other sellers, finally there was the decision to form this nice enterprise called True Canna Genetics. The name is program: True Canna Genetics is realy superb, hempgenetics for the real cannabisseur that smell real tasty - the different strains are all highly medical and they offer a great quality. For example the strain called The Truth (which was one of the big winner at the hightimes cup 2014 in Amsterdam) or Chemvalley Cooks (winner at the Spannabis in the year 2016) are absolutely fantastic and there are more to come in the near future - True Canna Genetics is awesome, genetics for true grower.

  • Model: TCG10
  •      Manufactured by: True Canna Genetics

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True Canna Genetics

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